This is an alphabetical list of all the recipes I’ve written about. Sometimes I’ve written the recipes down myself, sometimes I just linked the source where I’ve got the recipe from. Happy Baking!

Buckwheat Apple Sourdough

Buttermilk Whole-Wheat Bread 100% whole-wheat

Five-Grain levain

Herbstsonne (“Autumn Sun”) a German Sourdough

Jason’s Quick Cocodrillo Ciabatta

No Knead Bread with Sourdough and Rye (german)

Painted Bread (how to make boring breads look nice)

Potato-Nut Bread from Southern Tyrol

Pumpkin-Amaranth Bread

Sesame Oat Crackers

Vermont Sourdough

Whole-grain Oat Crackers

Whole Wheat Levain

Yoghurt Whole-Wheat Bread 100% whole wheat, with sourdough

Yoghurt Whole-Wheat Bread #2, 100% whole wheat